6. One paragraph description of your model (e.g. abstract from report or

Lumped rainfall-runoff model with a distributed snow routine. In Norwegian
versions mostly 10 elevation zones, and a 5-point statistical distribution
of snow in each zone. It is possible to group the zones into a lowland and
mountainous group, between which also free parameters are allowed to
change, but this option is seldom in use. Precipitation and temperature are
the driving variables, elevation lapse rates are fixed or calibrated.  A
rather unique feature is the lack of an infiltration routine, all
precipitation is assumed to enter the unsaturated zone. This assumption is
generally valid for Scandinavian till catchments, where Hortonian overland
flow hardly occurs. The soil water storage includes a non-linear term.

A range of parameters are included, a few measured, but many simply given a
value by assumption. Usually between 10 and 15 are optimized by calibration.

50. Please provide references relevant to the model description and use.
Prof Sten Bergstrom maintains a reference list for the HBV model.
Sjur Kolberg
SINTEF Civil and Environmental Engineering / Water Resources
Kl=E6buveien 153
N - 7034 TRONDHEIM, Norway
Direct line:            + 47 - 73 59 60 94
Telefax::               + 47 - 73 59 02 01
email:          Sjur.A.Kolberg@civil.sintef.no

-- Last updated Fri Oct 8 12:47:54 MST 1999 by Zong-Liang Yang.
For questions and comments, please contact Zong-Liang Yang