6. One paragraph description of your model (e.g. abstract from report or paper);

Snow parameterization is based on the energy and mass balance of snowpack with snow compaction and subgrid variability components. The frozen ground component is based on the layer- integrated form of heat and water diffusion equations, and it simulates total ice content of each soil layer rather than the freezing depth. Infiltration reduction under frozen ground conditions is estimated based on probabilistic averaging of spatially variable ice content of the soil profile.

50. Please provide references relevant to the model description and use.

Koren, V., Q.-Y. Duan, J. Schaake, and K. Mitchell, 1999: Validation of a snow-frozen ground parameterization of the Eta model. Preprints, 14th Conference on Hydrology, 10-15 January, 1999, Dallas, TX., pp. 410-413.

-- Last updated Fri Oct 8 12:47:54 MST 1999 by Zong-Liang Yang.
For questions and comments, please contact Zong-Liang Yang