6. One paragraph description of your model (e.g. abstract from report or
In brief, BATS has a single vegetation canopy layer overlying a three-layer soil model. Treatment of snow in BATS satisfies all water and energy balance constraints. Precipitation is deposited as snow when the surface air temperature lies below 2.2 degree C. Snow and soil are lumped together for computing surface and subsurface temperatures based on an analytical ``force-restore'' approach. The snow model simulates explicitly only the snow-surface processes. There is no explicit distinction between subsurface snow versus soil temperature, i.e., a subsurface temperature refers, in principle, to a subsurface snow temperature after more than a few centimeters of liquid equivalent snow have accumulated. Water incident on the snow surface is assumed to go directly into the soil. The melting at the bottom of the snowpack due to heat conducted from the ground (ground melt) is also implicitly neglected unless this heat reaches the top snow surface. The model simulates the snow aging and its impact on surface snow density and albedo. The latent heat of fusion in the surface energy balance is considered. Snowmelt is computed from the energy balance and during melt surface temperature remain at 0 degree C. The melt water is immediately removed from the snowpack. The fractional areal coverage of snow is parameterized as a function of snow depth and surface roughness.

50. Please provide references relevant to the model description and use. There are over 80 publications from using BATS. The most recent papers about BATS snow model and its evaluation using observed data collected from Former Soviet Union are

Yang, Z.-L., R.E. Dickinson, A. Robock and K.Y. Vinnikov, 1997: Validation of the snow sub-model of the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme with Russian snow cover and meteorological observational data, Journal of Climate, 10, 353-373, 1997.

Yang, Z.-L., R.E. Dickinson, W.J. Shuttleworth and M. Shaikh, 1998: Treatment of Soil, Vegetation and Snow in Land-surface Models: A Test of the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme with the HAPEX-MOBILHY, ABRACOS, and Russian Data, invited to a BAHC Special Issue of Journal of Hydrology,, 212-213, 109-127.

The latter paper also compared the snow outputs from a version of NCAR GCM with satellite observations.

Other related papers are:

Jin, J.M., X. Gao, S. Sorooshian, Z.-L. Yang, R.C. Bales, R.E. Dickinson, S.-F. Sun and G.-X. Wu, 1999: One-dimensional snow water and energy balance model for vegetated surfaces, Hydrological Processes, 13, Issue 14-15, 2467-2482, 1999.

Jin, J.M., X. Gao, Z.-L. Yang, R.C. Bales, S. Sorooshian, R.E. Dickinson, S.-F. Sun and G.-X. Wu, 1999: Comparative analyses of physically based snowmelt models for climate simulations. Journal of Climate, 12, 2643-2657, 1999.

Schlosser, C.A., A. Slater, A. Robock, A.J. Pitman, K.Y. Vinnikov, A. Henderson-Sellers, N.A. Speranskaya, K. Mitchell, A. Boone, H. Braden, P. Cox, P. DeRosney, C.E. Desborough, Y.J. Dai, Q. Duan, J. Entin, P. Etchevers, N. Gedney, Y.M. Gusev, F. Habets, J. Kim, E. Kowalczyk, O. Nasanova, J. Noilhan, J. Polcher, A. Shmakin, T. Smirnova, D. Verseghy, P. Wetzel, Y. Xue and Z.-L. Yang, 1999: Simulations of a boreal grassland hydrology at Valdai, Russia: PILPS Phase 2(d), Mon. Wea. Rev. , (in press).

Yang, Z.-L., R.E. Dickinson, A.N. Hahmann, G.-Y. Niu, M. Shaikh, X. Gao, R.C. Bales, S. Sorooshian and J.M. Jin, 1999: Simulation of snow mass and extent in global climate models, Hydrological Processes, 13, Issue 12-13, 2097-2113, 1999.

Yang, Z.-L., G.Y. Niu and R.E. Dickinson, 1999: Comparing snow simulations from NCAR LSM and BATS using PILPS 2d data, Preprints, 14th Conference on Hydrology, American Meteorological Society Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, January 1999, pp. 316-319.

Yang, Z.-L. and G.Y. Niu, 2000: Snow-climate interaction in NCAR CCM3, Preprints, 15th Conference on Hydrology, American Meteorological Society Meeting, Long Beach, CA, USA, January 2000.

Yang, Z.-L., Description of recent snow models, Book Chapter, in Snow and Climate, E. Martin and R. Armstrong (editors), International Committee on Snow and Ice, 2004 (in press).

-- Last updated Fri Oct 8 12:47:54 MST 1999 by Zong-Liang Yang.
For questions and comments, please contact Zong-Liang Yang