GEO 302C EXAM 2 Fall 2003

The mean score of this test is 78. Your grade was posted on eGradebook on 10/10/03.


You may not refer to any other materials during the exam. For each question (except otherwise explicitly stated), select the best answer for that question. Read all choices before selecting an answer and make sure your choice answers the question asked.


1.         Ignoring the contributions of wind, a baseball would be expected to travel a _______ distance in cold air than in hot air.

            a. longer

            b. shorter


2. This satellite image shows a tropical cyclonic system developed in the __________.

      a. Northern Hemisphere.

b. Southern Hemisphere.



3.         Tightly packed isobars produce _______ pressure gradient forces and ______ winds.

            a. strong, high.

            b. strong, light.

        c. weak, high.

d. weak, light.


4.         If surface air pressure decreases, the height of the column in a mercury barometer would:

            a. remain constant

            b. increase

            c. decrease

            d. change momentarily, but return to its earlier reading


5.         If water than mercury were used in a barometer the height of the column in the barometer would:

            a. increase significantly

            b. decrease significantly

            c. remain the same

            d. not provide an accurate measure of atmospheric pressure


6.         The unit of pressure most commonly found on a surface weather map:

            a. inches of mercury

            b. millibars (mb)

            c. pounds per square inch (psi)

            d. atmospheres


7.         Sea level pressure is typically around

            a. 2000 mb

            b. 1000 mb

            c. 500 mb

            d. 100 mb

            e. 10 mb


8.         The surface pressures at the bases of warm and cold columns of air are equal.  Air pressure in the warm column of air will      with increasing height      than in the cold column.

            a. decrease, more rapidly

            b. decrease, more slowly

            c. increase, more rapidly

            d. increase, more slowly


9.         Which of the following instruments measures pressure?

            a. barometer

            b. thermometer

            c. psychrometer

            d. hygrometer


10.       The surface weather map is a sea level chart.  Thus, a surface weather map is also called:

            a. a constant pressure chart

            b. a constant height chart

            c. an isobaric chart

            d. a constant latitude chart


11.       Lines connecting points of equal pressure are called:

            a. isobars

            b. millibars

            c. contours

            d. isotherms


12.       Pressure changes:

            a. more rapidly in the horizontal direction than in the vertical

            b. more rapidly in the vertical direction than in the horizontal

            c. at the same rate in the horizontal and vertical directions

            d. more rapidly in the vertical over land than over the ocean


13.       The Coriolis force is the force that causes the wind to blow.

            a. true

            b. false


14.       Which of the following forces does not have a direct effect on horizontal wind motions?

            a. pressure gradient force

            b. frictional force

            c. gravitational force

            d. Coriolis force


15.       Which of the following forces can not act to change the speed of the wind?

            a. pressure gradient force

            b. frictional force

            c. Coriolis force

            d. none of the above


16.       The force that would cause a stationary parcel of air to begin to move horizontally is called the:

            a. Coriolis force

            b. pressure gradient force

            c. frictional force


17.       Which of the following produces the strongest Coriolis force?

            a. fast winds, low latitude

            b. fast winds, high latitude

            c. slow winds, low latitude

            d. slow winds, high latitude


18.       If the earth stopped rotating which of the following would not be true?

            a. surface winds would blow from high toward low pressure

            b. there would still be a Coriolis force

            c. there would still be a pressure gradient force

            d. there would still be a gravitational force


19.       The vertical pressure gradient force is directed

            a. downward

            b. upward

            c. horizontally


20.       The winds aloft in the middle latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere generally blow:

            a. from west to east

            b. from east to west

            c. from north to south

            d. from south to north


21.       Surface winds blow across the isobars at an angle due to:

            a. the Coriolis force

            b. the pressure gradient force

            c. the frictional force


22.       The wind around a surface high pressure center in the Northern Hemisphere blows:

            a. counterclockwise and outward from the center

            b. counterclockwise and inward toward the center

            c. clockwise and outward from the center

            d. clockwise and inward toward the center


23.       We can generally expect the air to be       above areas of surface low pressure and       above areas of surface high pressure.

            a. rising, rising

            b. rising, sinking

            c. sinking, sinking

            d. sinking, rising


24.       Which of the following associations is most accurate?

            a. microscale - chinook wind

            b. synoptic scale - sea breeze

            c. mesoscale - land breeze


25.       An instrument used to measure wind speed is called a(an):

            a. anemometer

            b. thermometer

            c. psychrometer

            d. barometer


26.       An extremely strong downslope wind that occurs in parts of Antarctica would be considered a

            a. katabatic wind

            b. Chinook wind

            c. mountain breeze

            d. monsoon circulation

            e. diurnal breeze


27.       Which of the following conditions favor the development of dust devils?

            a. hot, moist days

            b. hot, dry days

            c. cold, moist days

            d. cold, dry days


28.       The summer monsoon in eastern and southern Asia is characterized by:

            a. wet weather and winds blowing from land to sea

            b. dry weather and winds blowing from land to sea

            c. wet weather and winds blowing from sea to land

            d. dry weather and winds blowing from sea to land


29.       Which below is not an assumption of the single-cell model of the general circulation of the atmosphere?

            a. the earth's surface is covered with water

            b. the earth rotates once in 24 hours

            c. the sun is always overhead at the equator


30.       Chicago, Illinois (latitude 42o N) is located in the      .

            a. northeast trades

            b. southeast trades

            c. westerlies

            d. doldrums


31.       The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is a region where:

            a. the polar front meets the subtropical high

            b. northeast trades meet the southeast trades

            c. northeast trades converge with the subtropical high

            d. the Ferrel cell converges with the Hadley cell

            e. polar easterlies converge with the air at the doldrums


32.       In terms of the three-cell model of the general circulation, areas of surface low pressure should be found at:

            a. the equator and the poles

            b. the equator and 60o latitude

            d. 30o latitude and 60o latitude


33.       The majority of the United States lies within this wind belt:

            a. westerlies

            b. easterlies

            c. northerlies

            d. trades

            e. southerlies


34.       The world's deserts are found at 30o latitude because:

            a. the intertropical convergence zone is located there

            b. of the sinking air of the polar front

            c. of the convergence of the prevailing westerlies and the northeast trades

            d. of the sinking air of the subtropical highs

            e. of the doldrums


35.       Which of the following does not describe the subtropical jet stream?

            a. generally blows from east to west

            b. is found at the tropopause

            c. is normally equatorward of the polar front jet stream


36.       The average winds aloft are strongest in:

            a. summer

            b. winter


37.       Which of the following is true about the oceans?

            a. Approximately 3% of the total water on Earth is located in the oceans

            b. The oceans cover about 30% of Earth’s surface

            c. The average depth of the oceans is infinite

            d. The sea surface is level for all the oceans

e. The oceans have a huge heat capacity, so their temperature is less variable than the air temperature.


38.       The largest reservoir of water on Earth is

            a. oceans

            b. ice caps/glaciers

            c. lakes/rivers

            d. atmosphere


39.       What is the primary salt in the ocean?

            a. CO2

            b. FeO2                                      

            c. NaCl


40.       Major surface ocean currents that flow parallel to the coast of North America are:

            a. Labrador, Canary, California

            b. California, Gulf Stream, Labrador

            c. Kuroshio, California, Labrador

            d. California, Texas, Florida


41.       In the Northern Hemisphere, the surface ocean currents in the Atlantic and the Pacific move in a generally circular pattern.  The direction of this motion is       in the Atlantic and       in the Pacific.

            a. clockwise, counterclockwise

            b. counterclockwise, counterclockwise

            c. clockwise, clockwise

            d. counterclockwise, clockwise


42.       The cold water observed along the northern California coast in summer is due mainly to:

            a. the California current

            b. oceanic fronts

            c. upwelling

            d. cold air moving over the water

            e. evaporation


43.       The Ekman Spiral describes:

            a. the turning of water with depth

            b. the air flow into a center of low pressure

            c. the circulation of surface water around a gyre

            d. the air flow out of a region of high pressure

            e. the wind-flow pattern in a jet stream


44.       Upwelling is:

            a. the lifting of air along the polar front

            b. the rising of cold water from below

            c. increasing heights in an upper-level ridge

            d. the rising air motion found in a low pressure center


45.       Upwelling occurs along the northern California coast because

            a. winds and the Ekman transport cause surface waters to move away from the coast

            b. of seismic activity on the ocean bottom

            c. of gravitational attraction between the earth and the moon

            d. water flows from the Atlantic ocean into the Pacific because they are at different levels


46.       The name given to the current of warm water that replaces cold surface water along the coast of Peru and Ecuador around Christmas is:

            a. Brazil current

            b. Humbolt current

            c. Benguela current

            d. El Niño

            e. California current


47.       During a major El Niño event:

            a. Peruvian fishermen harvest a record amount of fish near Christmas time

            b. extensive ocean warming occurs over the central and eastern tropical Pacific

            c. the Northeast trade winds increase in strength

            d. Texas experiences severe drought conditions

            e. climatic abnormalities are only limited to the tropical Pacific areas


48.       A condition where the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean turns cooler than normal is called:

            a. El Niño

            b. La Niña

            c. the Southern Oscillation

            d. the Ekman Spiral


49.       The reversal of the positions of surface high and low pressure at opposite ends of the tropical Pacific Ocean is called:

            a. El Niño

            b. the Southern Oscillation

            c. upwelling

            d. La Niña


50.       Which of the following associations is most accurate for El Nino, La Nina, or both?

            a.  Both  Influence weather and climate around the world

            b. La Nina – Easterly trade winds weaken

            c. La Nina – The thermocline in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean is deeper than average

            d. El Nino – Is part of ENSO process, but La Nina is not

            e. Both – A phenomenon in the Atlantic Ocean