Research Papers



Each of you is required, for 30% of your course grade, to submit a research paper by April 29, 2003.  The research paper differs from the technical and nontechnical reports in two important ways.  The subject of the research report is of your own choice, but the topic should not replicated anything done on the first two assignments, and in general should not focus on a single volcano.  It should be a topic with broader implications to volcanology and volcanic processes.  The topic requires my approval.  You should claim your topic not later than March 27 by submitting an outline for the paper and a list of not less than 4 major references.  You will not have an opportunity to revise your research report for an improved grade, so it should have been through multiple drafts before being submitted.  You should not repeat writing mistakes that you made in the technical and nontechnical reports.

The text is a minimum of 10 pages, double-spaced, including an abstract (about 200 words), but not counting the bibliography and illustrations (required) or tables (if you should have any).  You should use section headings to divide the text.  A strong "conclusions" section is required.

The format for the bibliography is the same as that specified on the earlier handout for the technical reports.  List only items that you have seen and used.

There will be no further warning concerning the use of other people's words without quotation marks and a citation of source; such plagiarism was expressly forbidden in the handout on technical reports, and incidents will be reported directly to the Office of the Dean of Students for disciplinary action. 


Your report and oral presentation of the materials will be graded as:

Scope, focus, and significance ..........           10%

Organization/Format............................            10%

Writing...................................................             20%

Development and conclusions ...........            10%

Abstract.................................................            10%

Bibliography .........................................            10%

Illustrations ............................................            10%


Oral Presentation/Participation ..........            20%


Depending on topics, I will schedule your oral presentations (~10 minutes) for both lecture and lab periods during the April 29 – May 1 period.