Minerals Lab
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ROCK CYCLE: Where any rock type can become any
other rock type
- There are 3 rock types: Igneous Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks,
and Metamorphic Rocks
- DIAGENESIS: Cementation & Compaction
DEFINITION of a MINERAL: A substance that is...
- Crystalline in Nature - AND SO HAS AN ORDERED ARRAY OF
- Definite Composition or range of compositions
- quartz (SiO2) or pyrite (FeS2)
- Can have some variance over a restricted range
- Ex) An amphibole such as hornblende
- Naturally Occurring
- Inorganic (Never lived; though graphite, diamond, calcite
may be bioproducts of organisms)
These 4 criteria cause each type of mineral to have its own
unique properties.
Click on one of these mineral properties to learn about the
property and utility in mineral identification:
HARDNESS: Resistance to
Breakage??? NO!
You've heard that "diamond is the hardest mineral."
You've also heard of the "test" for a
diamond--scratching glass. Why does diamond scratch glass? If
it's so hard, can you break a diamond?
- Diamond scratches glass because a diamond is harder
(geologically speaking) than glass. We'll explore that
more in a moment.
- You CAN break a diamond! Don't be like the recently
engaged woman who decided to "test" the diamond
in her engagement ring by slamming it into the table
(unfortunately it shattered)! Why? Let's find out what
hardness really means...
Hardness refers to the ability of a mineral to SCRATCH
something else. A mineral can only scratch something else if it
has an equal or higher HARDNESS RATING than the object to be
An arbitrary scale was developed that ranks the relative
hardness of minerals. This scale is called Moh's hardness scale
(below). Remember, there are several thousands of minerals, so
Moh's Hardness Scale only lists several common "index"
minerals and their associated hardness values. Please also note
that impurities can cause the hardness of a mineral to vary.
Moh's Hardness Scale (Softest = 1,
Hardest = 10)
1 - Talc
KNIFE, NAIL: 5-5.5
2 - Gypsum
6 - Orthoclase
3 - Calcite
7 - Quartz
PENNY : 3.5
8 - Topaz
4 - Fluorite
9 - Corundum
5 - Apatite
10 - Diamond
NOTE: If it's really hard to scratch a mineral (but it
can be scratched), the 2 minerals are close in hardness value. If
something is really easy to scratch, the object doing the
scratching must have a much higher hardness value. So quartz
(hardness = 7) will scratch anything with a hardness equal to 7
or less (e.g., quartz, calcite, etc.). It will also scratch
calcite (a really low (relative) hardness value) MUCH EASIER than
it can another sample of quartz. Similarly a mineral cannot
scratch something with a higher hardness value (e.g., quartz
won't scratch a diamond).
Remember, Moh's hardness scale just places various minerals
into an arbitrary scale of relative hardness values. Materials
listed in italics in the above scale are INDEX materials. They
are listed because they are useful, common objects that can be
used to pigeonhole the possible hardness of the mineral in
question (i.e., it's harder than my fingernail, but softer than a
penny and therefore must have a hardness greater than 2.25 and
less than 3.5).
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LUSTER: The appearance of a
mineral in light.
METALLIC: looks like a metal (Samples 9, 15); like gold,
silver, iron, etc.
- Don't confuse w/ VITREOUS (see below)
NON-METALLIC: (need to be more descriptive)
- VITREOUS or Glassy (Samples 3, 12) - strong glint
(shiny like glass)
- PEARLY (Talc, Some Gypsum) - looks like
- SILKY - made up of many silk-like
- RESINOUS - reflects light in a manner similar to
tree sap or syrup ("glazed")
- EARTHY - dull, little (or no) reflection (Sample
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COLOR: The actual color of
the mineral.
NOTE: This is rarely diagnostic--usually a very poor
identifier!! Some examples...
- Sulfur - Is almost always Yellow
- Pyrite - Is almost always Brassy
- Quartz - Can have almost any color known to man!
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STREAK: The color of the
powdery residue of a mineral left behind when you drag a mineral
across an unglazed porcelain plate (Hardness of plate = 6).
NOTE: Streak is not always the same color as the mineral!
However, each mineral has only one streak color associated with
it. For example, the metallic mineral Hematite may be red or
silver in color, but its streak is always reddish-brown.
What the streak color indicates
White (colorless)
It is a non-metallic mineral.
Color (not white)
It is a metallic mineral.
No color (no streak)
The mineral has a hardness value
greater than that of the plate (i.e., >6).
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CLEAVAGE: Planar breakage
of a mineral.
Why does a mineral break along parallel planes of
- Since minerals are crystalline in nature, there is an
ordered atomic arrangement within each mineral. Due to
this atomic symmetry (and the variation of bond strengths
between different atoms), parallel planes of weak bonds
may exist in a mineral. When a mineral is struck (by a
hammer for example), the weakest bonds will
preferentially break. If a plane of weak bonds exist in a
mineral, the mineral will display planar breakage, which
we term CLEAVAGE.
An analogy:
- If you imagine that 2 sheets of paper are 2 adjacent
layers of atoms in a mineral, the weakest bonds would be
between the 2 sheets of paper. It is easier to slide the
two sheets of paper across one another (break the weakest
bonds) than it is to tear across them (breaking stronger
How do you know you're looking at a cleavage surface and
not just an otherwise flat surface?
- Since cleavage is due to breakage along parallel planes
of weakness, all of those planes are in exactly the same
orientation. Therefore, when you hold up the surface
towards the light, ALL of those parallel planes will
reflect the light at the same time. So if you can orient
a side of the mineral so that the entire surface reflects
light (a sharp "glint") at the same time,
you're looking at a cleavage face. To double check, go to
the exact opposite (parallel) side of the mineral sample
and see if you can get that side to reflect light at the
same orientation--if it does you know the mineral has at
least 'one direction of cleavage'.
Okay, but how do I determine how many directions of
cleavage there are?
- For the purposes of the Geology 303 lab, at most you will
only see 3 directions of cleavage. In other words, at
most 3 differently oriented sets of parallel planes of
weakness. In the example above, you may find a cleavage
surface, turn the mineral over and see 'another' cleavage
surface parallel to the first one--since they are
parallel to each other it still only counts as one
cleavage 'direction'. When I look at a mineral sample, I
envision it as a box. A box has 6 sides, but in reality 2
of the sides are always parallel to each other (giving
you only 3 possible orientations of parallel planes). The
top and bottom of the box are parallel (one possible
cleavage direction), the left and right sides are
parallel (another possible cleavage direction), and the
front and back of the box are parallel (the third
possible cleavage direction). I then look at the
"top" (or bottom) to see if it is a cleavage
surface, the left (or right) side to see if it is a
cleavage surface, and finally the front (or back) to see
if it's a cleavage surface. (You can double check if a
surface is a cleavage surface by looking at the parallel
(opposite) side). Now you note if you have 1, 2, 3 (or
no) directions of cleavage.
How To Describe Cleavage:
If you see no cleavage surfaces...
- Then the mineral only breaks in a non-planar manner which
is called FRACTURE (see below)
If you only see 1 set of parallel planes...
- Denoted '1 Direction of Cleavage' (mica was used as an
example in class)
If you only see 2 sets of parallel planes...
- You must give the intersection angle of the two planes
- Denoted '2 Directions of Cleavage at 90°' (if they
intersect at a right angle)
If you only see 3 sets of parallel planes...
- Denoted '3 Directions of Cleavage at 90°' (termed CUBIC
- salt has cubic cleavage) or
- Denoted '3 Directions of Cleavage not at 90°' (termed
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FRACTURE: Breakage in an uneven manner
(non-planar breakage)
- CONCHOIDAL: See Obsidian Sample or Quartz; breaks in a
surface marked by concentric circles
- SPLINTERY: Like splinters in wood (Sample 16)
- UNEVEN: A "catch-all" term for non-diagnostic,
non-planar breakage
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FACES: The symmetry of a mineral - expressed by crystal
faces (planar growth surfaces) and by the angles between faces
and their relative arrangements.
Simply, as minerals "grow" (add the appropriate
atoms into their crystal lattices), they may grow with faces
parallel to planes of atoms, and of course, these planes are
perfectly regular. The internal atomic symmetry may be expressed
as an external crystal symmetry. This symmetry may cause smooth
faces to form on the crystal which can be mistaken for
How do you distinguish cleavage from crystal faces?
- Since cleavage is only evident when the mineral is
broken, that is easiest method available to tell the
difference. If you break the mineral and it breaks along
planes parallel to the suspected cleavage faces, it is
indeed cleavage. If it doesn't, the flat, smooth faces
were due to crystal form. However, since a lot of nice
mineral samples would quickly be reduced to dust in the
Geology 303 labs using this technique, we suggest that
you refrain from this brute force methodology.
- The importance of both crystal faces and form and of
cleavage is that they are clues to the internal
arrangement of atoms in the mineral. ANGLES between
intersecting cleavage planes and between intersecting
crystal faces can be powerful tools for identification of
a mineral.
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MISCELLANEOUS: Some minerals
have very helpful (unique) diagnostic properties.
- Magnetite exhibits magnetism
- Sulfur smells like rotten eggs (after scratching the
- Calcite fizzes when HCl acid is applied to it
- Halite tastes salty
- Some minerals are unusually dense, due to heavy elements
in them or to close-packed atoms.
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