Geo 335 - Geology & Mineral Resources of Texas



Geology 358K is a substantial writing component course; writing assignments can be directed toward individual student interests.   The writing assignments for the course consist of three components (see specific sections for additional information):

(1)   Two reports on a specific volcano with a significant amount of recent (well-documented) eruptive history.  One paper will be written in a fashion familiar to you from other upper division geology courses and is intended for a technical audience, nominally your peers in this class who should possess the geologic vocabulary to allow insightful presentation of scientific information.  A second nontechnical report on the same volcanic event(s) should be written as a newspaper or magazine article intended for readers with no background in the sciences and should use a nontechnical vocabulary.  The style should be completely different (see the examples provided); it should contain a hook and/or focus that will make the reader want to read on, just by noting the title, i.e. make it interesting!

Both of these papers will be critiqued in detail and will be returned for revision; you will receive grades on both the original submission and the revised version.

(2)   A longer research paper, the subject of which is of your own choice, but the topic should not replicate anything done on the first two assignments, and in general should not focus on a single volcano.  It should be a topic with broader implications to volcanology and volcanic processes  You should not repeat writing mistakes that you made in the technical and nontechnical reports.

Technical and Nontechnical Reports, 2003

                         Examples of non-technical articles

                                 Americas-1   Americas-1(printer friendly)  

                                 Americas-2   Americas-2(printer friendly)

         Research paper

         Writing tips


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