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The DEPTHX (DEep Phreatic THermal eXplorer) project represents unique and progressive developments in sub-aquatic engineering, robotics, geomicrobiology, geology, and planetary science. The impetus for DEPTHX comes from the search for life on other planets or moons with funding provided by NASA as a part of the ASTEP program. Stone Aerospace is the primary organization on the project, and major collaboration comes from The University of Texas at Austin (Department of Geological Sciences - Jackson School of Geosciences), Carnegie Mellon University (Robotics Institute), Colorado School of Mines, Southwest Research Institute, Universidad de Nuevo Leon, Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra and Universidad del Noreste

DEPTHX mission updates


Mission 3 - Zacatón

- Marc Airhart's Daily Field Updates (May 17-21) -will be back soon
- Explore Zacatón May 11 - 29
- Washington Post Article (May 14)
- Science Daily Article (May 14)


Mission 2 - La Pilita

- La Pilita Tests (round 2); March 6-15, 2007
- UT Jackson School press release - March 8, 2007 - (more photos)
- Houston Chronicle SciGuy Blog 


Mission 1 - La Pilita

- La Pilita Tests; January 25-Feburary 9, 2007
- also check out: Headed to Mexico - (pdf file)
- Carnegie Mellon University update: The Big Dive
- Carnegie Mellon University field reports

Video Files from Mission 1

- Sample Arm (high resolution 8Mb) (low resolution 3Mb)

See also Research of Sistema Zacatón

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